Hotel Emma [Travel]

If you are traveling to San Antonio and have not yet booked any accommodations, I suggest you keep reading this post. The Hotel Emma has just opened its doors in November of this year. This hotel is steeped in history, since the building dates from 1894, being home to the famous Pearl Brewery for many years, even during the prohibition years.

The hotel is breath taking and beautiful, it adapted the same architectural style and design as the brewery. Much of the machinery of the brewery remains inside the hotel, which makes it look fascinating. Entering the hotel is like transporting yourself back in time to the 1800's.

I visted the hotel because one of my best friends was in town and we decided to go for a drink at Sternewirth, the hotel bar. My favorite drink was the Babia Margarita. The place is casual and you can see people of all ages. What caught my attention was that they adapted cooking barrels in to small sitting rooms. We had a blast! Worth mentioning that they have a huge library, just like the one from the Beauty and the Beast.

Whether you stay here or just go for a drink and take pictures, it is worth the visit. 

For more information visit

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